Bundled set of the first four titles in the Charlie Parker cozy mystery series by USA Today bestselling author Connie Shelton.
Praise for the Charlie Parker mysteries:
"Charlie is just what readers want." –Booklist
"Charlie is a fabulous amateur sleuth." –Midwest Book Review
"Down to earth and very readable." Library Journal
BOOK 1 - Deadly Gamble
Charlie Parker really doesn't want to track down killers. She's an accountant, a dog lover and a partner with her brother in a private investigation business. But when her old friend Stacy North comes looking for help, Charlie gives in and agrees to help.
Stacy's Rolex watch is missing and she's afraid her husband Brad will find out. The truth is that she was seeing another man, and she's terrified of Brad's legendary temper. Charlie and her sidekick pooch find the missing watch—no problem—but when the "other man" suddenly turns up dead, Stacy is desperate. Can Charlie find out who the real killer is before the police connect Stacy to the victim?
BOOK 2 - Vacations Can Be Murder
Charlie is riding front seat on a Hawaiian helicopter tour when she and the pilot spot a lifeless body lying on the rugged rocks of Kauai's NaPali coast. Drake Langston is the pilot flying the tour. When the flight is over, Charlie assumes her acquaintance with Drake is, too. Within twenty-four hours, though, Drake's friend and employer, Mack Garvey, is arrested for murdering Gilbert Page. Drake persuades Charlie to help clear Mack.
It isn't easy. The investigating officer has an old grudge against Mack, and it doesn't help that Mack knew the victim and owed him a half million dollars. Charlie roots out the suspects one by one, never guessing that her own life will be in danger before her vacation is over.
BOOK 3 - Partnerships Can Be Murder
Charlie returns from her Hawaiian vacation to find her older brother Ron involved with a much younger woman. Meanwhile, Charlie doesn't have much time to ponder Ron's problems. Her friend Sharon Ortega is a partner in a restaurant business with David Ruiz. When David turns up dead, an apparent suicide, Sharon comes to Charlie for help. Sharon's problem is a double-edged sword. If he did kill himself, David's life insurance won't pay and Sharon will probably lose the restaurant because she can't afford to hire a replacement. But if he didn't kill himself, then it was murder, and Sharon could very well find herself a suspect. Charlie and her dog, Rusty, put their lives on the line to discover the truth.
BOOK 4 - Small Towns Can Be Murder
Tucked into the mountains and valleys of northern New Mexico are the hidden towns, little enclaves of history and tradition–and secrets. Charlie and her office assistant Sally Bertrand visit one such place over the July 4th weekend, and when they drop in on a friend they learn that Cynthia Martinez suddenly suffered a miscarriage and died. Privately, friends wonder if spousal abuse caused her death. Charlie agrees to ask a few questions and see what she can find out. Meanwhile, Charlie and her brother Ron have an ongoing dispute over gun control. And Drake Langston, the helicopter pilot she met in Hawaii, is visiting and the romance is heating up.
"Three plot strands are capably and grippingly entwined, and Shelton doesn't shirk from confronting big issues" – Crime Time, Birmingham, England
Author bio
Connie Shelton is the USA...