I have one job... Keep Kerry safe.
She's in the hospital, so I guess that makes me a crappy guardian angel.
It is supposed to be simple. Kerry is my charge. My task is to silently watch over her and keep her out of harm's way.
I've never before had a problem just keeping my humans alive. But Kerry is different. Everything about her draws me in. My wings are literally burning with desire for her.
I'm tempted to reveal myself to her, even though I know I shouldn't.
She makes me vulnerable. My vulnerability puts her at risk, and I can't allow that.
When passion and danger mix, what will happen to Daniel and Kerry? Will they fall from their tightrope balance of denying instincts and satisfying desires? Find out NOW by diving into Wings on Fire.
Cliffhanger ending alert: We wanted give you a free way to meet Daniel, the sexy angel in this book, and let him capture your heart. Most readers report being so enthralled by the exciting story line, they are anxious to continue reading the series.
Daniel may be an angel, but he's no saint! Meet him now.